About Therapy

Life is truly a journey.

Sometimes it feels easy, like talking a walk along the lake front on the perfect summer day, savoring the warmth of the sun and the most comfortable, gentle breeze.

Other times, it feels just okay, normal. Not amazing, but not bad, either.

Then, it’s relentless. It’s 10 below, and you’re shivering in the wind without a jacket. You long for the warmth just inside, but the door is locked. And you can’t find your keys.

There’s a good chance this is where you are right now.

Wherever you are…

Maybe you’re ready to jump into this whole therapy thing with everything you have.

Or maybe you’re not quite sure about it, but you’re willing to give it a try.

Or – you’re only trying it because someone else in your life thinks it’s a good idea.

Perhaps you’ve been to therapy before but are still looking for the right fit. Or you had it, but your beloved therapist moved away, and now you need to start over.

No matter where you are in your journey, we’ll meet you there.

Take the next step.

Life doesn’t have to feel like this, and we can help! Please call us at (847) 492-2121, and let’s talk about how we might work together.