Anxiety and Depression Counseling

Anxiety: the phenomenon with a thousand faces.

Anxiety can be physical… jitters running through your body, a pit in your stomach, tightening in your throat. Headaches, back aches, shortness of breath.

Or emotional… constant worrying… about every single thing! Or panic attacks. Or the looming apprehension that something bad is going to happen.

Or mental… obsession over one single thing like germs, or getting sick, or anything, really. Perfectionism, the need to have everything go a certain way, the desire to control things you can’t.

Anxiety is stress, fear, uneasiness. Feeling keyed up or on edge. All. The. Time.

Anxiety or Depression: How can you tell?

Depression is oppressive gloom. Barely having the energy to brush your teeth, let alone go to work. Wanting nothing more than to stay in bed. To hide from the world.

It’s total loss of joy. Empty laughter, or no laughter at all.

The world is colorless. All the negatives come to the forefront, masking the positives.

When anxiety gets bad enough, it paralyzes and leads to depression.

On the flip side, depression can prevent you from accomplishing your goals, which means everything starts piling up, which leads to anxiety.

But… color… joy… laughter… life doesn’t have to stop there.

We can help you get a handle on your anxiety, lift your depression, and stop the cycle when both are in the mix.

There’s almost always something that lies beneath anxiety and depression.

Maybe it’s from growing up with an alcoholic parent, having difficulty in school, never feeling good enough, or dealing with your parents’ divorce.


Or it could stem from that one bad relationship or from having one bad relationship after another. Together, we’ll explore the impact these events had on you, process them, and learn coping strategies.

Rediscover the color. Recapture your joy. Reclaim your life.

You can get back to the life you deserve to live, and we’d be honored to help you get there!

Call us at (847) 492-2121, and let’s talk about how we might work together to regain your love of life.