Substance Abuse and Addictions

It’s that thing that always makes you feel better. . . until it doesn’t.

It can be alcohol, prescription pain pills, gambling, or even shopping.

That initial hit, that relief, that feeling of zoning out.

Escaping reality can be pretty enticing sometimes, and there are ways that we all do it! Healthy ways like going out with friends, riding a roller coaster, or becoming totally absorbed in the latest movie on the big screen.

Are you controlling it, or is it controlling you?

Who doesn’t want some relief from that fight you had with your best friend or memories from the past that always seem to ruin your day?

That feeling is normal. Life is hard, and sometimes it can feel unbearable.

When escaping reality becomes the norm instead of the exception. When it’s hurting your relationships and making you feel worthless. That’s when it’s time to see us. We can help you heal from the past and replace those old habits with new, healthy ways of coping!

Call us at (847) 492-2121, and let’s get you headed on the way back to your true, authentic self.