Therapy for Adults

Remember when you were little, and you couldn’t wait to grow up?

Ha! Being an adult was supposed to be the best! Total freedom, doing whatever you want, no one telling you what to do.

And let’s be honest. That’s partly true! We do get to make our own choices. We can stay up late, eat ice cream for breakfast, and we never have to take a bath if don’t wanna!

But then there’s the hard stuff.

Following the path that makes you happy, finding a partner who’s not only loving, but also honest and fair. Making your way through each day and trying to ignore all those triggers from your past.

Keeping a clean house on days when you can barely manage; trying to get enough sleep when your body won’t let you sleep at all.

Finding your place in the world, figuring out where you fit in, wanting to know that you belong.

Never feeling like you’re good enough – good enough to find a partner who respects you, feeling like you’re always falling short as a spouse, as a parent, as a child… Not making enough money to support the life you’ve dreamed of, still not being able to please your parents even after all these years.

Learning how to give love to others, while remembering that you matter, too. Learning how to love yourself with the same passion you give to everyone else.

Feeling like happiness beckons in the distance and you can never. quite. get. there.

Our therapists are here to help you figure this stuff out.

We’re here to help you embrace everything life sends your way – to help you celebrate the ups and manage the downs.

We know you CAN get there.

We know you can because every single day we see women and men, just like you, breaking free from old patterns and experiencing joy again.

Find it. Feel it. Live it.

We know how much courage it takes to reach out – to make that first step.

So, from that very first moment, our number one goal will always be to make you feel comfortable and secure – to fill your experience with relief, hope, and healing.

Reach out to us by calling (847) 492-2121 or completing the contact form below, whichever is easiest for you.

We’ll connect with you by phone and encourage you to ask us questions, share a little about what brought you to seek therapy (if you’re comfortable!), and get a feel for us.

Then, we’ll set up an appointment with the therapist who’s the best fit for YOU.