Where are you located?

444 S. Rand Rd.Suite 207Lake Zurich, IL 60047

How do I make an appointment?

Simply complete our contact form.

Or you can call us at (847) 492-2121, Ext 1

Either way, we will get back to you within one business day, and we’ll schedule your first appointment at that time.

What should I expect at the first appointment?

The first session works a bit differently than the rest.

First, we’ll have you complete some paperwork.

During that session, we’ll talk about what brought you here (of course!), and we’ll lay some groundwork – going over your current situation as well as your family history.

We don’t force you to discuss anything you’re not ready for, yet we’re open to discuss anything you are ready for.

Do you accept insurance?


We’re currently in-network with BlueCross BlueShield PPO, United Healthcare, Optum, and Cigna. We are and out-of-network for all other insurance plans.

We work with a billing company who will verify your benefits and take care of billing your insurance company for our services.

How do I pay for services?

If you’re using insurance, you’ll be responsible only for your co-pay or deductible at the time of each visit.

If you choose not to use insurance, we’ll collect the full fee at your visit. Our fees are $175 for the initial session and $150 per session thereafter.

We accept cash, check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and Health Savings Accounts.

How does therapy work?

Therapy is your time to focus on YOU.

Your time to be heard. Your time to be validated. Your time to let your guard down.

Everyone’s starting point is different, and we’ll take things at your pace. As you’re ready, we’ll discuss the issues that brought you to therapy. As your comfort builds with your therapist, we’ll tackle questions designed to help you explore yourself, your thinking, and your relationships at a deeper level.

This is where the healing happens.

Some sessions may feel heavy and difficult to get through since you’ll probably be talking about some pretty tough stuff.

Other sessions will feel like a release, uplifting and cathartic.

And then there are the sessions where we celebrate. Celebrate how far you’ve come! These are the sessions filled with joy and laughter.

Come as you are, and together we will take it one step at a time.

How often do I need to come?

In the beginning, we usually recommend once a week. Over time, you will need to come less frequently.

At some point, clients will reduce to every other week and eventually down to once a month.

When and how this happens is completely individual and depends on your situation. Together, you and your therapist will decide what’s right for you.

Is any topic off limits?

Nope! Therapy is all about you.

And there are no rules in terms of what you’re allowed to discuss. No topic is off limits in our work together.

Do I have to talk about my childhood?

That’s up to you!

Often, the problems we face in adulthood are rooted in the experiences we had as children.

Exploring the past is often the key to healing the present.

If you’re comfortable going down that road, we will. If you’re not — or if you’re not ready — that’s ok, too.

Are you going to “analyze” me?

Well, kind of! But not like you’ve seen in old movies. We won’t be sitting behind you with a clipboard, taking notes.

But together, you and your therapist will figure out the root of what brought you to where you are today.

This may include gaining a deeper understanding of your upbringing, identifying unhealthy patterns, and exploring your relationships at a deeper level. Together, we’ll find meaning in things that didn’t seem to make sense before.

Do I have to lie on a couch?

Well, we have a couch! But you certainly don’t have to lie on it — unless you want to!

You can sit (or lie!) however you’d like during our time together. You’re welcome to make yourself completely comfortable.

And if you chose to take off your shoes and put your feet up, you definitely would not be the first!