Childhood Trauma

Your experiences shape you.

Sure. If you grow up in a home with unconditional love and encouragement, and if you succeed in school, have good friends, and manage to avoid adversity, you’ll likely blossom into a confident adult, comfortable in your own skin.

But let’s be honest.

The road to becoming that person is rarely ever that smooth – a bewildering array of obstacles can rear their ugly heads: growing up with an alcoholic parent; experiencing your parents’ nasty divorce or constant family conflict; helping to care for a sibling or parent with severe mental, behavioral, or physical problems; enduring the wrath of a school bully or the loneliness of lack of friends at school.

Or perhaps you suffer from the pain of sexual or psychological abuse, the death of a parent or sibling, the trauma of witnessing or being victimized by a crime. No warning – no preparation – a sudden, unforeseen tragedy can arise at any time.

Even if it doesn’t rise to the level of “tragedy,” anything that disturbs, distresses, or devastates you… stays with you – becomes a part of you.

Your childhood profoundly impacts who you are today.

Maybe you’ve been carrying around these past events for years and just can’t get them out of your head.

Or maybe you find yourself filled with anxiety or depression and haven’t even realized the connection to your childhood.

No matter your circumstance, we can help.

We understand.

Talking about your childhood can be scary – painful – can reduce you to that vulnerable child all over again.

But we’ll take it at your pace. We’ll help you get back on the path to healing and becoming the person you want to be.

Talking about these experiences in therapy is the first step on the path to healing.


Finally, you’ll have a witness for what you’ve been through.

Finally, you’ll experience validation and comfort.

Finally, you’ll be able to let go and feel FREE.

Finally, it’s time for the healing to begin, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

Call us at (847) 492-2121 to schedule an appointment today.